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Nationwide Ziegler Wisconsin Tax Exempt Fund Class A (NWJWX)

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Nationwide Ziegler WI Tax Exempt A 과거 데이터, 실시간 데이터를 보려면 다시 검색하세요
9.56 0.00    0.00%
27/07 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 56.91M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Nationwide
자산등급:  주식
Nationwide Ziegler WI Tax Exempt A 9.56 0.00 0.00%


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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Richard K. Marrone vice president and Portfolio Manager 2016 now
전기 Rick has more than 30 years of experience in fixed income and financial services, including a 15-year tenure as a Director and Senior Vice President managing municipal mutual funds at Evergreen Investments and a 12-year tenure as a Senior Fund Manager at Woodbridge Capital. He received his B.A. in Managerial Economics and Finance from the University of Michigan and his M.B.A. from Wayne State University
Eric Zenner Vice President and Portfolio Manager 2009 now
전기 Mr. Eric Zenner joined Ziegler Capital Management, LLC in May 2009. Prior to joining the firm, he was a Managing Director and Portfolio Manager for Deerfield Capital. Mr. Zenner was with Deerfield Capital for six years. Prior to joining Deerfield, he was a Director and Senior Corporate Bond Trader at Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Prior to Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance, Mr. Zenner was head taxable bond trader at Firstar Bank in Milwaukee. Prior to Firstar Bank, Mr. Zenner was municipal bond trader with Cronin and Company in Chicago. Mr. Zenner received a B.S. degree in Finance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a M.B.A. from DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois. He is a member of the Investment Analysts Society of Milwaukee and the CFA Institute. Mr. Zenner is a Chartered Financial Analyst charter holder.
Paula M. Horn CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2009 now
전기 Paula Horn is the firmwide Chief Investment Officer of ZCM. Prior to joining the firm in 2009, Paula was Managing Director of Investment Grade Credit at Deerfield Capital, which included the Asset Backed Security and Investment Grade Corporate Bond Management teams. Paula was with Deerfield Capital for more than 7 years. Prior to joining Deerfield Capital, Paula was a Vice President, Portfolio Manager and Corporate Bond Trader at Scudder Kemper Investments. While there, Paula was responsible for all corporate bond portfolio management and trading activities for the firm’s third party accounts totaling approximately $4 billion. Prior to her position at Scudder Kemper, Ms. Horn held roles at several Zurich Insurance Company subsidiaries and the PORTIA division of Thomson Financial Services. Paula received her M.M. Degree from the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University and a B.A. from Tufts University.
Richard D. Scargill Vice President 2009 now
전기 Mr. Scargill is Vice President and Portfolio Manager of Ziegler Capital Management. He has been associated with Ziegler since 2002. Prior to joining the firm in 2002, Mr. Scargill was a Vice President and portfolio manager for Zurich Scudder Investments. Mr. Scargill was at Zurich Scudder Investments for 12 years. Mr. Scargill received his B.S. in finance from the University of South Florida and his M.B.A from Marist College. He is a member of the CFA Institute of Milwaukee and the CFA Institute .
Michael S. Sanders Portfolio Manager 2009 2013
전기 Mr. Sanders, CFA, is the Vice President and Portfolio Manager at Madison Asset Management, LLC. Mr. Sanders has been a member of the Madison fixed income team since 2013, and has worked in the financial services industry since 2004. Prior to joining Madison in 2013, he was a fixed income portfolio manager and analyst for Ziegler Lotsoff Capital Management focusing mainly on high yield bonds and preferred stocks.
Wendy W. Stojadinovic Assistant Vice President, Portfolio Manager 2007 2008
전기 Wendy Stojadinovic conducts investment due diligence and designs investment strategies for the fixed income allocation of client portfolios. This includes addressing portfolio goals such as cash flow management, analyzing portfolio attribution, conducting manager due diligence and applying risk management techniques. Ms. Stojadinovic is a member of the firm’s Investment Policy Committee and chairs the Fixed Income Strategy Group. In her role, she leads a team of professionals from across the organization in providing strategic and tactical investment direction and due diligence for nearly $1 billion in fixed income assets for institutional, public funds and private clients. Ms. Stojadinovic has been instrumental in adding technology and streamlining processes to enhance the firms’ fixed income capabilities. Prior to joining Cleary Gull, Ms. Stojadinovic worked as a Vice President and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager at Ziegler Capital Management. Her capabilities are further enhanced by experience as a Fixed Income Portfolio Manager and Equity Analyst at Campbell Newman Asset Management and through past responsibilities for performance and attribution measurement and compliance with Global Investment Performance Standards.
Brian K. Andrew President 2006 2008
전기 Brian is a principal, the firm's Chief Operating and Compliance Officer. Brian has worked in the money management industry as an analyst, portfolio manager, Chief Investment Officer and business head since 1987. He has provided investment advice to individual and institutional investors through separate account, co-mingled and mutual fund investment vehicles. Brian began his career as an analyst and portfolio manager managing equity and fixed income investments for personal and institutional clients at First Bank Systems and then Bank One Investment Advisors. He then formed a private money management firm where the focus was on institutional fixed income relationships and managing restricted assets for public debt issuers. That firm was sold to Ziegler Cos., Inc. where Brian served as portfolio manager, Chief Investment Officer and then President of the money management subsidiary and mutual fund company. During his tenure at Ziegler he was responsible for developing fixed income and equity portfolio management teams that served as money manager to the health care industry and consultants. Brian has been active in public speaking forums within the health care industry and developing board education materials and a holistic balance sheet management methodology for approaching investments within the health care segment. In addition, he provided economic insight to clients of the firm through monthly published pieces, webcasts, and other outside media outlets. Brian received his B.S. in business and finance from the University of Minnesota. He has also received his Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Milwaukee and Chicago Investment Analyst Societies. He has served on the board of the Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation and has served in the past as its President and Treasurer. He also served on the National Hemophilia Foundation Board as Treasurer, the Community Development Authority of South Milwaukee as Treasurer as well as taught undergraduate classes at Concordia University in Milwaukee and continuing education classes at University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee. Brian also serves on the Marquette University Applied Investment Management Program Advisory Board and the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Health Services Advisory Board.
Derek J. Pawlak vice president and Portfolio Manager 2002 2007
전기 Derek Pawlak is a Portfolio Manager at Geneva Capital Management. Derek co-manages the Geneva All Cap and Large Cap Growth strategies. He is also a member of the Investment Strategy Group that conducts high-quality fundamental research and supports all the Geneva growth equity strategies. He joined Geneva in 2007, which was acquired by Henderson in 2014. Prior to Geneva, he worked for Ziegler Capital Management, LLC. Derek earned a BBA from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, a BS from Carroll College, and an MBA from Marquette University.
Craig S. Vanucci Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager 2000 2003
전기 Vanucci is senior vice president and portfolio manager with Ziegler Asset Management, his employer since 1994. Prior to joining the firm, he spent six years with a major regional bank holding company and served as manager of its institutional investments division. Vanucci is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
Thomas Sancomb Vice President, Portfolio Manager 1994 2000
전기 Sancomb is a vice president and portfolio manager with B.C. Ziegler & Company, his employer since 1975. Previously, he worked as a vice president and syndicate manager with the Milwaukee Company for 10 years, and as an investment officer with First Wisconsin National Bank for one year.
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