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Kinetics Alternative Income Fund Advisor Class A (0P000089D9)

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Kinetics Alternative Income Fund Advisor Class A 과거 데이터, 실시간 데이터를 보려면 다시 검색하세요
92.621 0.000    0%
12/12 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 3.48M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Kinetics
자산등급:  채권
Kinetics Alternative Income Fund Advisor Class A 92.621 0.000 0%

0P000089D9 개요

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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Matthew Houk Portfolio Manager 2015 now
전기 Matt joined Horizon Asset Management LLC in 2008 and has responsibilities in both Research and Portfolio Management. Matt is a member of the Investment Committee and has responsibilities in the identification, analysis and monitoring of certain investment opportunities for the firm. Previously, from 2005 through 2008, Matt was an Associate with Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matt received a BA in Economics and Political Science from Yale University.
Steven Tuen Research Analyst 2015 now
전기 Steven Tuen joined the Investment Adviser in 1999 as a research analyst. He joined Horizon in 1996, also as a research analyst, and between 1999 and 2011 was a dual employee of both the Investment Adviser and Horizon. Previously, Steven spent seven years with Bankers Trust Company as a Portfolio Manager in the Private Client Group, serving high net worth individual and trust accounts. He received a Bachelors of Business Administration from Baruch College – City University of New York. Steve is a CFA® charter holder and a member of the CFA Institute as well as the New York Society of Security Analysts.
Steven M. Bregman President 2015 now
전기 Steven Bregman is the President of Horizon Kinetics Asset Management LLC. In 1994, he co-founded Horizon Asset Management LLC (“Horizon”) and currently serves as President and Director of Research for Horizon Kinetics LLC. In April 2019, Kinetics reorganized into Horizon and was renamed Horizon Kinetics Asset Management, LLC.
Murray Stahl Senior Portfolio Manager 2011 now
전기 Mr. Stahl is a Portfolio Manager at Horizon and is Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board and is a co-founder of Horizon Kinetics. Mr. Stahl serves as the Firm's Chief Investment Officer, and chairs the Firm's Investment Committee, which is responsible for portfolio management decisions across the entire firm. Previously, Murray spent 16 years at Bankers Trust Company (1978-1994) as a senior portfolio manager and research analyst. He was also a member of the Equity Strategy Group and the Investment Strategy Group, which established asset allocation guidelines for the Private Bank. Murray received a BA and MA from Brooklyn College and an MBA from Pace University.
James Davolos Chairman of Board 2010 now
전기 James Davolos joined Kinetics as an analyst in 2005, and became a Portfolio Manager of Kinetics in 2006, focusing on, among other things, emerging markets. In April 2019, Kinetics reorganized into Horizon and was renamed Horizon Kinetics Asset Management, LLC.
Peter B. Doyle Chief Investment Strategist 2010 now
전기 Peter B. Doyle is a Managing Director of Horizon Kinetics Asset Management LLC, the President of Kinetic Mutual Funds, Inc.. In 1994, he co-founded Horizon and in 1996, he co-founded Kinetics Asset Management LLC (“Kinetics”). From 1996 through 2011, Mr. Doyle was a dual employee of both Horizon and Kinetics. In April 2019, Kinetics reorganized into Horizon and was renamed Horizon Kinetics Asset Management, LLC.
Derek Devens Managing Director 2011 2015
전기 Derek Devens, CFA, is a Managing Director of Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC. Mr. Devens joined Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC in 2016 and is a Senior Portfolio Manager of the Options Group. Prior to joining Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC, he was a member of the investment committee at another investment adviser since 2010, where he also served as a portfolio manager since 2012.
William S. Brennan President, managing Partner 2007 2010
전기 William S. Brennan is a Portfolio Manager and Principal with Summit, participating in the development and management of water equity strategies. Summit is generally recognized as the oldest and longest water investor globally in both equities and water rights. Mr. Brennan was previously the Founding Partner of Brennan Investment Partners, which served as portfolio manager and sub-advisor to the Kinetics Water Infrastructure Fund (KWINX) since its inception in June 2007. The Fund received Morningstar’s highest rating of five stars under Mr. Brennan’s tenure through July 2010, the only water equity product to achieve that honor. Prior, he was Portfolio Manager of the Praetor Global Water Equities Fund in Luxemburg, and was also responsible for portfolio selection for the Claymore Global and Domestic Water UITs — the first retail water investment products launched in the U.S. Mr. Brennan served as an advisor to Summit Global Management from the inception of its first water-specific investment vehicle in 1999 through 2005. He began his investment career with Pacific Growth Equities, where he ran the Environmental Services, Aviation Security, and Special Situation groups for six years. He was recognized by The Wall Street Journal as one of the top environmental analyst on Wall Street in 2000. He held several senior positions with Coopers & Lybrand, Law Engineering and General Electric prior to his career in finance. Mr. Brennan served as an Air Force LT & Missile Combat Crew Commander at FE Warren AFB in Cheyenne WY while attending graduate school at Colorado State. Mr. Brennan has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering/Biology from Lehigh University (Dean’s List & Distinguished Graduate-Air Force ROTC), an M.S. in Mechanical/Biomedical Engineering from Colorado State University, and an MBA from Villanova University, where he has also been an adjunct professor in the graduate MBA program for the past 12 years. He serves on the boards of The Water Initiative, Jabil’s Cleantech Group and The Great Guys. He is married and has two sons and resides in Chester Springs, PA.
Gerald Sweeney Senior Analyst, Portfolio Administrator 2007 2009
전기 Sweeney has been a senior analyst and portfolio administrator for Aqua Terra since its inception on November 14, 2006. Prior to his involvement with Aqua Terra, he was a vice president at Boenning & Scattergood where he served as Equity Syndicate Manager and a senior institutional equity salesperson from 2004 to 2006.
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  • 의견은 한글로 작성해주세요.


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