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Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Fund Institutional Class (GEMIX)

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24.40 -0.15    -0.61%
11/11 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 2.1B
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Goldman Sachs
기준통화:  MSCI EM Net USD
자산등급:  주식
Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Eq Instl 24.40 -0.15 -0.61%


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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Hiren Dasani Managing Director 2017 now
전기 Hiren Dasani is the co-head of GSAM’s Emerging Markets Equity team and a portfolio manager for GSAM’s Emerging Markets Equity and India Equity strategies. Mr. Dasani joined GSAM’s India Equity Research team in January 2007 from SSKI Securities.
Basak Yavuz Managing Director 2015 now
전기 Ms. Yavuz is Managing Director and was the co-head of GSAM’s Emerging Markets Equity team and a portfolio manager for GSAM’s Emerging Markets Equity. Ms. Yavuz joined the Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P in September 2011 from HSBC Asset Management, where she spent three and half years as a portfolio manager for frontier markets. Prior to joining HSBC, she was a research analyst at AllianceBernstein in London from 2001 to 2008.
Prashant R. Khemka CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2015 2017
전기 Prashant founded White Oak Capital in 2017. Prior to White Oak Capital, Prashant spent 17 years at Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM), most recently as CIO and lead PM of Global Emerging Markets (GEM) Equity and India Equity strategies.He won several accolades as the CIO and Lead PM of GS India Equity. He and his fund won several awards including A rating from Citywire and Elite rating from Fund calibre among others.In addition to his long-standing India investing experience, Prashant brings a unique perspective from having managed developed and emerging market equities over a span of two decades.Prashant started his professional investing career in 1998 at SSGA in Boston as senior portfolio officer of Enhanced International equity in the quant group. He started his career at GSAM in 2000 as a research analyst in US Growth Equity, and by 2004 he rose to become Senior Portfolio Manager and Co- Chair of the Investment Committee.He returned to Mumbai in 2006 to start the GSAM India business and served as the CIO and CEO/Co-CEO of their domestic Asset Management Company. In 2013, in addition to India he was also made the CIO and lead PM of GEM equity.Prashant graduated with honors from Mumbai University with a BE in Mechanical Engineering and earned an MBA in Finance from Vanderbilt University, where he received the Matt Wigginton Leadership Award for outstanding performance in Finance. He was awarded the CFA designation in 2001 and is a fellow of the Ananta Aspen Centre, India. Prashant graduated with honors from Mumbai University with a BE in Mechanical Engineering and earned an MBA in Finance from Vanderbilt University, where he received the Matt Wigginton Leadership Award for outstanding performance in Finance. He was awarded the CFA designation in 2001 and is a fellow of the Ananta Aspen Centre, India.
Alina Chiew Managing Director 2010 2015
전기 Ms. Chiew serves as Co-Head of Greater China Equity. Ms. Chiew joined the Investment Adviser in 2006. Prior to that she was the head of research with CITIC Frontier China Research since 2004.
Edward J. Perkin Chief Equity Investment Officer 2012 2014
전기 Edward J. Perkin, CFA, is Chief Investment Officer, Equity and Vice President of Boston Management and Research, who has managed Large-Cap Value Portfolio since June 2014. Mr. Perkin has served as a portfolio manager since June 2014 and manages other Eaton Vance portfolios. He is responsible for all equity disciplines at Eaton Vance, including U.S and global equity portfolios in value, core, growth and dividend income styles and covering large-cap, multicap, midcap and small-cap ranges. Eddie joined Eaton Vance in April 2014 from Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM) in London, where he was chief investment officer (international and emerging-market equity) as well as managing director/portfolio manager (Europe, EAFE and global). In this role, he was responsible for leading a 50-person team of portfolio managers and analysts in eight locations. Before relocating to London in 2008, Mr. Perkin was a portfolio manager and analyst on GSAM’s U.S. value equity team in New York. Mr. Perkin was previously associated with FISERV and American Retirement Insurance Services. Eddie earned a B.A. in economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an MBA from Columbia Business School. He is a CFA charter holder.
Anna Gabriella Antici Managing Director 2010 2013
전기 Ms. Antici is the Chief Investment Officer and Head of GSAM Brazil. She joined the Investment Adviser in 1997. From 1994 to 1997, she was a Vice President for HSBC Asset Management, where she was a portfolio manager for emerging markets and head of the Latin American Department.
Patrick Shum Managing Director 2008 2011
전기 Mr. Shum serves as Co-Head of Greater China Equity. Mr. Shum joined the Investment Adviser in July 2007 from INVESCO Hong Kong where he was Chief Investment Officer of Asia ex Japan portfolios. Also in 2007, Mr. Shum served in the Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong Government. Prior to that, From 1995 to 2004,Mr. Shum served as the Deputy General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of INVESCO Great Wall Fund Management Limited. Before joining INVESCO, Mr. Shum was the Co-founder and Chief Investment Officer of Asia Strategic Investment Management.
Richard Flax Executive Director 2001 2011
전기 Flax joined GSAM's Global Emerging Markets Equity team in 2001. Prior to that he worked at Fleming Investment Management as an emerging market debt analyst. Flax holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Maria Pavlenko Gordon Executive Vice President 2001 2010
전기 Gordon joined PIMCO in October, 2010 as an Executive Vice President and Emerging Market Equity Portfolio Manager for the firm's London operation. Prior to PIMCO, Gordon was head of the emerging-markets equity team at Goldman Sachs Asset Management in London. Gordon joined GSAM as a research analyst for the emerging markets equities team in September 1998. She was named a portfolio manager in November 2001 and became the Co-Head of Global Emerging Markets Equities Strategy in March 2003. Gordon was named Managing Director as of November 2006. Gordon holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Mark Beveridge Head 2007 2008
전기 Mark Beveridge, CFA® is Lead Fund Manager and Portfolio Manager and Analyst of AXA IM, and has been employed by AXA IM or an affiliate since 2009. Prior to joining AXA IM, Mr. Beveridge has been with GSAM since December 2004 as chief investment officer of the Global Active Equity business which encompasses the Global/International, UK/European, Asia ex Japan and Japan strategies. Prior to joining GSAM, he spent 19 years at Franklin Templeton, where he was executive vice president and senior portfolio manager responsible for ex-US portfolios. Mr. Beveridge holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
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