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컨퍼런스 및 회의

Capital Market Forum

주최자:  Inwestorzy.tv
시작: 2017년 11월 30일 18:00
끝: 2017년 12월 01일 05:00
Warsaw Stock Exchange,
가격: Visit site
Capital Market Forum

Inspiring workshops, daylong debates, international networking and promoting the Polish capital market. This exceptional event will be held for the second time on 30 November 2017 in the building the Warsaw Stock Exchange
calls home. Inwestorzy.tv invites you to attend the Capital Market Forum.
The Capital Market Forum has been conceived above all as a place for executives, financial investors and investors to network and share their experience and ideas. This second annual event will focus on supporting the Polish capital market and emphasizing the attributes that distinguish it internationally. Investors, issuers, brokerage houses, mutual fund companies, consulting firms, banks, infrastructural institutions, economic media, IR/PR agencies and government agencies operating on the Polish and global capital markets will take part.
“During CMF 2017, representatives of outstanding companies and institutions will not just share their knowledge and experience but also present the Polish capital market’s prospects,” says Artur Błasik, CEO of inwestorzy.tv. “Presentations and panel discussions will offer participants an excellent opportunity to gain insight into what is currently happening on Poland’s capital market”, he adds.
Our cooperation with Polish and international media, including the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily means that this year’s presentations will be available in the Internet in Polish and international news services. A live bilingual webcast is planned directly from our studio located in the building housing the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Institutions from the UK will also be in attendance at the Forum.
Panel discussions will be moderated by journalists from inwestorzy.tv, the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily, HBR and the Center for Business and Economic Ideas, one of the Forum’s Content Partners.
The first annual Capital Market Forum in 2016 was a very successful event. More than 300 guests and 30 speakers rubbed shoulders in the home of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. This networking-rich event allowed its participants to form new bridges and gain new skills and inspired them to continue their personal and business development.
The second annual Capital Market Forum will be held on 30 November 2017 in the seat of the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

The last available admission passes to this event and its detailed agenda are available on the event’s website. Click on the title of this descrition, to get more information.
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