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컨퍼런스 및 회의

4th Annual Private Wealth Latin America & The Caribbean Forum

주최자:  Markets Group
시작: 2016년 10월 18일 09:00
끝: 2016년 10월 19일 09:00
1109 Brickell Avenue,
Miami, FL,
가격: Visite Site
전화: +1 646-415-9161
이메일: Victor.Tolentino@marketsgroup.org

The Private Wealth Latin America & The Caribbean Forum is a pan-regional wealth management, wealth planning and investment management international meeting for private banks, HNWIs, wealth managers, and family offices.

The Forum brings together 500+ industry leaders from Latin American and Caribbean Private Wealth Management field for a two day conference discussing strategies to protect, preserve and grow wealth.

Meet with 500+ attendees including experts on private client landscape from around Latin America & the Caribbean, over 30 countries represented.

Access to more than ten hours of targeted networking sessions

Attend an event structured around high level content

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