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Jupiter Merian World Equity Fund I USD Acc (0P0000K0QN)

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32.906 -0.070    -0.20%
04/10 - 닫음. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 317.17M
종류:  펀드
시장:  아일랜드
발행자:  Old Mutual Global Investors (UK) Limited
ISIN:  IE00B42HMS87 
자산등급:  주식
Old Mutual World Equity Fund I USD Acc 32.906 -0.070 -0.20%

0P0000K0QN 개요

이 페이지에서 Jupiter Merian World Equity Fund I USD Acc에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. 0P0000K0QN의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Global Flex-Cap Equity

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2012년 05월 09일


주소 The Wilde-Suite G01, The Wilde, 53 Merrion Square South
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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Amadeo Alentorn - 2013 now
전기 Amadeo joined Merian in 2005 and is a fund manager and head of research in the global equity team. Prior to joining the business he developed simulation models for systemic and liquidity risk for the Financial Stability Group at the Bank of England, and worked as a software developer for CAD systems and for robotic applications. He holds a BEng in robotics from the University of Plymouth, an MSc in computer science, and a PhD in computational finance from the University of Essex. He is a CFA charterholder.
Ian Heslop Head 2013 2022
전기 Ian joined Merian in 2000 and is head of global equities. He manages a range of hedge and retail funds and segregated mandates, including market neutral and long only funds. Ian boasts more than 20 years of investment experience and the team has won numerous awards for its funds. Prior to joining the business, Ian was a UK quantitative fund manager at Barclays Global Investors. He holds an MA in chemistry from the University of Oxford and a PhD in medicinal chemistry, University of Edinburgh. He is an associate of the Society of Investment Professionals.
Mike Servent - 2013 2020
전기 Mike joined Merian in 2004 and co-manages a range of funds within the global equity team. He joined from Barra International where he was a senior consultant specialising in the implementation of multi asset-class risk systems. Prior to this he spent five years with COR Risk Solutions, which developed the optimisation, back-testing and modelling software currently used by the global equity team. Mike has an MA in physics from the University of Oxford.
Howard Williams Managing Director 2005 2013
전기 Howard Williams, managing director, is head of the Global Equities Team, based in London, responsible for all multi-market investment in J.P. Morgan Asset Management. An employee since 1994, he was previously employed at Shell Pensions in London as senior portfolio manager and head of UK equities. Prior to this, he spent three years managing global invested offshore pension funds in Bermuda for Shell Trust. Howard also spent five years at Kleinwort Benson Investment Management as a portfolio manager specializing in UK equities. His career started with three years at James Capel &Co.
Sandeep Bhargava Managing Director 2005 2012
전기 Sandeep Bhargava, managing director, is portfolio manager responsible for style strategies including Global Dynamic Fund within the Global Equities Team in London. An employee since 1997, Sandeep previously was a product manager for Indian asset management in Asia. Prior to joining the firm, Sandeep managed Asian funds at Barclays Global Investors. Sandeep began his career as a Finance Lecturer at University of York, combined with consulting at World Bank in Washington and ICICI in India. Sandeep holds a BA Economics from Cambridge University and a DPhil Economics from Oxford University.
Stephen Beinhacker CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2000 2005
전기 "Chief Investment Officer – Emerging Markets Growth Stephen Beinhacker has been the Chief Investment Officer of Emerging Markets Growth since April 2007. He also serves as a Senior Portfolio Manager on the Global/International Large Cap Growth Portfolio Oversight Groups. Beinhacker joined Alliance Capital in 1992 as the firm’s director of international quantitative stock research and joined the Global/International Large Cap Growth teams in 1994. Prior to joining the firm, he was a vice president in the worldwide equities division of Lehman Brothers. While at business school, Beinhacker worked as a quantitative analyst at Salomon Brothers. He holds a BS from the University Center at Binghamton and an MBA from New York University, and is a CFA charterholder. Location: New York "
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