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NVIT AQR Large Cap Defensive Style Fund Class I (0P00003BQN)

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22.970 +0.040    +0.17%
02/07 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 419.37M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  Nationwide
자산등급:  주식
NVIT Nationwide Fund Class I 22.970 +0.040 +0.17%

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이 페이지에서 NVIT AQR Large Cap Defensive Style Fund Class I에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. 0P00003BQN의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

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1982년 11월 08일


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Columbus,OH 43215
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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
John J. Huss Vice President 2022 now
전기 John J. Huss, Principal, rejoined AQR in 2013 and oversees multi-asset class strategies as a researcher and portfolio manager. Mr. Huss rejoined the AQR Capital Management in 2013 and is a portfolio manager for the firm’s World Allocation strategy where he focuses on macroeconomic and portfolio construction research for risk parity and other asset allocation strategies. Prior to rejoining the firm, where he first worked from 2004 to 2008, Mr. Huss was a vice president in RBC’s Global Arbitrage and Trading division and a systematic portfolio manager for Tudor Investment Corp. Mr. Huss earned a B.S. in mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Clifford S. Asness CEO 2022 now
전기 Dr. Asness is a Founder, Managing Principal and Chief Investment Officer at AQR Capital Management. He is an research notable for its relevance and enduring value to investment professionals. Prior to co-founding AQR Capital Management, he was a Managing Director and Director of Quantitative Research for the Asset Management Division of Goldman, Sachs & Co. Dr. Asness is on the editorial board of The Journal of Portfolio Management, the governing board of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Finance at NYU, the Board of Directors of the Q-Group.
Andrea Frazzini Principal 2017 now
전기 Andrea Frazzini is a Principal at AQR Capital Management, where he is the Head of our Global Stock Selection team. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Finance at New York University’s Stern School of Business. He has published in top academic journals and won several awards for his research, including the Smith Breeden Award, the Fama-DFA Prize, the BGI Michael Brennan Award, several Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Awards and the PanAgora Crowell Memorial Prize. Prior to joining AQR, Andrea was an associate professor of finance at the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He also served as a consultant for DKR Capital Partners and J.P. Morgan Securities and was on the board of directors of the Center for Research in Security Prices at the University of Chicago. He earned a B.S. in economics from the University of Roma Tre, an M.S. in economics from the London School of Economics and a Ph.D. in economics from Yale University.
Michele L. Aghassi Principal 2017 now
전기 Michele Aghassi is a Principal at AQR Capital Management, where she serves as a portfolio manager for the firm's equity strategies. Throughout her tenure at AQR, she has been a leader in research and strategy development, contributing to the advancement of the stock selection investment process. She played a key role in launching the firm’s emerging equities strategy in 2008 and developed the proprietary robust optimization technology that AQR uses to build portfolios. In addition to her responsibilities at AQR, she serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of The Journal of Portfolio Management. Earlier in her career, Michele worked as a quantitative analyst in the proprietary equities department of D.E. Shaw & Co. Michele graduated magna cum laude from Brown University with a B.Sc. in applied mathematics and subsequently earned a Ph.D. in operations research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she was a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow and an MIT Presidential Graduate Fellow.
Lars N. Nielsen Principal 2020 2023
전기 Nielsen is a Principal of AQR Capital Management. Mr. Nielsen joined AQR in 2000 and currently serves as the co-head of portfolio management, research, risk and trading. He earned a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in economics from the University of Copenhagen. Prior to joining the Adviser in 2000, he was an Analyst in the Quantitative Research Group of Danske Invest.
Ronen Israel Principal 2020 2022
전기 Ronen Israel, M.A., is a Principal of AQR Capital Management. Mr. Israel joined AQR Capital Management in 1999, is the Co-Head of Portfolio Management, Research, Risk and Trading and is a member of the firm’s Executive Committee. Prior to joining AQR, Ronen was a Senior Analyst at Quantitative Financial Strategies, Inc., a quantitative investment management firm, specializing in currencies and global macro strategies, with $2.5 billion under management. Before that, he worked as a management consultant, specializing in building out financial systems for financial services firms. Ronen received an MA in Mathematics, specializing in mathematical finance, from Columbia University, a BS in Economics from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a BAS in Biomedical Science from the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Pennsylvania.
Jacques A. Friedman Portfolio Manager 2017 2020
전기 Jacques is the head of AQR’s Global Stock Selection team and is involved in all aspects of research, portfolio management and strategy development for the firm’s equity products and strategies. Prior to AQR, he developed quantitative stock-selection strategies for the Asset Management Division of Goldman, Sachs & Co. Jacques earned a B.S. in applied mathematics from Brown University and an M.S. in applied mathematics from the University of Washington. Before joining Goldman, he was pursuing a Ph.D. in applied mathematics at Washington.
Hoon Kim Vice President 2017 2018
전기 Hoon Kim, Ph.D. is a Vice President of AQR Capital Management. Prior to joining the AQR, Dr. Kim worked for Mellon Capital Management in San Francisco where he was Head of Quantitative Equity Research. He earned his BA in Business Administration from Yonsei University in South Korea and his MBA and Ph.D. in Business/Accounting from Carnegie Mellon University. He is a CPA (in Korea) and a CFA charterholder.
Yanping Li Vice President 2016 2017
전기 Yanping joined HighMark in 2011. As a Quantitative Analyst, he is responsible for performing quantitative analysis to enhance the investment process for several equity strategies. Yanping began his career in the investment industry in 2008, with companies that include Deutsche Bank, BNP and Applied Materials. Prior to joining HighMark, Yanping was a Senior Quantitative Researcher at Revere Data where he performed quantitative research for global equity markets and developed high frequency algorithmic trading strategies for foreign currency exchange. Yanping earned a Master of Arts from Brandeis University, a Master of Financial Engineering from University of California at Berkeley and a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Cornell University.
Derek Izuel Director 2013 2017
전기 Mr. Izuel is Managing Director and Chief Equity Officer of HighMark and has been associated with HighMark since 2008. Prior to joining HighMark, Mr. Izuel was a senior portfolio manager for Invesco from 1997 to 2008. Mr. Izuel earned a BS in computer science from the University of California at Berkley and an MBA from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. Mr. Izuel is a CFA charterholder and belongs to the CFA Society of San Francisco and the Chicago Quantitative Alliance .
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