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JPMorgan Market Expansion Enhanced Index Fund Class I (PGMIX)

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JPMorgan Market Expansion Enh Idx Select 과거 데이터, 실시간 데이터를 보려면 다시 검색하세요
10.34 -0.12    -1.15%
06/05 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 146.17M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
자산등급:  주식
JPMorgan Market Expansion Enh Idx Select 10.34 -0.12 -1.15%


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최고 경영진

종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Wonseok Choi Managing Director 2019 2022
전기 Mr. Choi, Managing Director and head of the team since 2006, is responsible for Strategic Quantitative Research.
Jonathan L. Tse Executive Director 2019 2022
전기 Mr. Tse is a Executive Director of J.P. Morgan Investment Management and a CFA charterholder. He has been an employee of J.P. Morgan Investment Management since 2004.
Akash Gupta Executive Director 2019 2022
전기 Mr. Gupta, Executive Director, is a research analyst and portfolio manager on the U.S. Behavioral Finance Equity team. An employee since 2004, Mr. Gupta previously spent over three years in the sell-side Equity Research Group, focusing on the electronics manufacturing supply chain sector. He is also a CFA charterholder and a certified Financial Risk Manager (FRM).
Phillip D. Hart Managing Director 2013 2022
전기 Mr. Hart, managing director, is a portfolio manager and is head of the U.S. Behavioral Finance Small Cap Equity Group at JPMorgan . He joined JPMorgan in 2003. Phillip obtained a BA in economics from Cornell University and is a CFA charterholder.
Lindsey J. Houghton Executive Director 2019 2021
전기 Lindsey Houghton, executive director, is a portfolio manager in the U.S. Structured Equity Small and Mid-Cap Group. An employee since 2006, Lindsey was previously a senior analyst on the Bear Stearns quantitative equity team. Lindsey has previous experience as a quantitative analyst at BKF Asset Management, Inc. and as a portfolio manager assistant at ING Investment Management. Lindsey graduated from the University of Delaware with a B.S. in business administration with a concentration in finance.
Dennis S. Ruhl CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2013 2019
전기 Mr. Ruhl, managing director, is the Chief Investment Officer of the U.S. Behavioral Finance Small Cap Equity Group. He joined JPMorgan in 1999. He holds dual bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and computer science and a master’s degree in computer science, all from MIT.
Michael Loeffler Vice President 2004 2013
전기 Michael Loeffler, Vice President of JPMIA and a CFA charterholder. Mr. Loeffler has been employed by JPMIA since 1999 when he joined as an investment operations analyst.
Bala S. Iyer Managing Director 2000 2013
전기 Bala S. Iyer is the CIO of the Columbus-based Quantitative Team. An employee since 1995, Bala joined the firm as the director of quantitative research. Currently, he oversees both the research and portfolio management functions within the team. Bala is the lead portfolio manager for the JPMorgan Multi-Cap Market Neutral Fund, Market Expansion Index Fund, and International Equity Index Fund, as well as the four Investor Funds that track various asset allocation models. In addition, his team manages the Large-Cap Enhanced Equity Index, Institutional Market Neutral and Equitized Long/Short Portfolios for high net worth and institutional clients. He is also responsible for strategic and tactical research on various asset allocation models. Previously, he served as portfolio manager and analyst at Zaske, Sarafa & Associates and prior to that, as an equity analyst at NBD Bank. Dr. Iyer was also an assistant professor of finance and economics at Albion College in Michigan. Bala obtained a B.S. in commerce at Podar College in India and an M.B.A. in finance and accounting from the Indian Institute of Management. Bala also earned a Ph.D. in money and financial markets from Columbia University. He is a CFA charterholder and member of The CFA Institute, the CFA Society of Columbus, and Chicago Quantitative Alliance.
Richard R. Jandrain Managing Director 1998 2004
전기 Jandrain is managing director of Growth Equity with FWIA, his employment since 2004 as managing director, vice president and senior portfolio manger. He was chief equity strategist, chief investment officer of equities with Banc One Investment Advisors Corporation from 1992 to 2004.
Fred Karimian Portfolio Manager 1999 2001
전기 Mr. Karimian serves as Director of Quantitative Research at GCM and is the lead portfolio manager for the Enhanced U.S. Large Equity, Enhanced U.S. Equity Market and Dividend Income strategies. He joined GCM in March 2005 with over 15 years of experience in quantitative equity research, optimization, and econometric modeling. Prior to that date he was the Senior Quantitative Research Analyst at American Express Financial Corporation in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In that role, he developed quantitative stock selection strategies for blue chip and hedge fund portfolios and served as the lead quantitative researcher in the area of statistical, econometric, optimization and research strategies. Prior to that, Mr. Karimian served as Vice President and Senior Quantitative Research Analyst at Banc of America Capital Management in St. Louis, Missouri, where he managed the quantitative equity research team and comanaged the equity research portfolio. In addition, from 1989 – 2001 he served as Vice President and Senior Quantitative Research Analyst and acted as an Associate Manager of Quantitative Equity Research with Banc One Investment Advisors in Columbus, Ohio. There he co-managed market neutral and long/short portfolios, and managed equity index funds and equity index products. Mr. Karimian earned a B.S. in Finance from Franklin University and an MBA from the University of Phoenix in Columbus, Ohio. He is a member of the Chicago Quantitative Alliance.
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