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Neuberger Berman Global Value Fund USD I Accumulating Class (0P00015GQ7)

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21.890 +0.140    +0.64%
17/01 - 닫음. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 46.67M
종류:  펀드
시장:  아일랜드
발행자:  Neuberger Berman
자산등급:  주식
Neuberger Berman Global Value Fund Class USD I Acc 21.890 +0.140 +0.64%

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Global Large-Cap Value Equity

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주소 32 Molesworth St, Dublin
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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Ray Carroll - 2017 now
전기 Ray Carroll, PhD, CFA, Managing Director, joined the firm in 2017 as Chief Investment Officer for the Breton Hill quantitative investing team, following the acquisition of Neuberger Berman Canada ULC (formally known as Breton Hill Capital (BHC)). Ray was a co-founder and the Chief Executive Officer of BHC, responsible for fund performance, investment decisions and risk management. Previously, Ray was the Chief Investment Officer for the Mosaic division of Diversified Global Asset Management (DGAM), an alternative investment firm that was subsequently sold to The Carlyle Group. Ray started his career as Senior Manager at RBC Royal Bank and Vice President at RBC Capital Markets. Ray holds a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Florida in the field of Inverse Problems and both a MSc and BSc in Mathematics from Dalhousie University. Ray has been awarded the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Simon Griffiths - 2017 now
전기 Simon Griffiths, CFA, Managing Director, joined the firm as Neuberger Berman Canada’s Head of Quantitative Research & Development in 2017 following the acquisition of Neuberger Berman Canada ULC (formally known as Breton Hill Capital (BHC)). Simon was a co-founder and Managing Partner of BHC, where he was a member of the Management Committee. Previously, Simon co-founded the direct trading business at Diversified Global Asset Management (DGAM), an alternative investment firm that was subsequently acquired by The Carlyle Group, where he was a portfolio manager and was responsible for all research. Prior to DGAM, Simon was responsible for quantitative investment research and software development at Northwater Capital Management, an alternative investment firm. Simon is a former co-chair of the Education and Research Committee for AIMA Canada. He received a MSc in Applied Statistics from University of Guelph and a BSc from University of Western Ontario, now known as Western University. Simon has been awarded the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Jonathan Bailey, - 2017 now
전기 Jonathan Bailey, CFA, Managing Director, is the Global Head of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) & Impact Investing at Neuberger Berman. Jonathan joined the firm in 2017 and has overall responsibility for the consideration of financially material ESG factors in investment processes firm-wide. He also has overall responsibility for the firm’s approach to impact investing across asset classes. He leads the firm’s ESG Investing team and works with portfolio managers and analysts across the firm's equities, fixed income and private investment portfolios. The team enhance existing strategies and launch new sustainable and impact investing strategies. Jonathan chairs the firm's ESG Committee, and is a member of both the firm's Governance and Proxy Voting Committee and its Partnership Committee. Jonathan spent the bulk of his prior career at McKinsey & Co where he was an Associate Partner working with asset owners and asset managers on investment strategy and ESG investing topics. Jonathan has also worked for Generation Investment Management, the sustainable investment firm co-founded by former Vice President Al Gore, and as a governance advisor for former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Jonathan holds an MBA (with high distinction) from Harvard Business School, an MPP from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and an MA (Oxon) from the University of Oxford. He has been awarded the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. Jonathan is Chair of the Board of Instiglio, a developing market social impact bond advisory non-profit.
Wai Lee Director 2014 2017
전기 Wai Lee, PhD, Managing Director, joined Neuberger Berman in 2004. Wai is the Head of the Quantitative Investment Group (QIG) / Director of Research with overall responsibility for the quantitative investment function. He is a member of the firm’s Investment Risk Committee and Asset Allocation Committee. Previously, he was the Head of the Quantitative Engineering group at Credit Suisse Asset Management (CSAM), responsible for the application of quantitative research across various products and strategies. He joined CSAM in 2000 from J.P. Morgan Investment Management, where he was in charge of quantitative research and risk management for the Global Balanced group. Previously, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Business. Wai is the author of the book Theory and Methodology of Tactical Asset Allocation. He has served on the Advisory Board of The Journal of Portfolio Management. His research work has appeared in academic refereed journals and industry journals, and has won awards, including the 2012 Peter L. Bernstein Award1 (2012), Best Article of the Year1 (2011) and Outstanding Article of the Year1 (2010, 2012) from the Journal of Portfolio Management. Wai holds a BS (with honors) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Hong Kong and MBA and PhD degrees in Finance from Drexel University.
Alexandre Da Silva - 2014 2017
전기 Alexandre Da Silva, Senior Vice President, joined the firm in 2004. Alex is a member of the Quantitative Investment Group (QIG), and is the primary portfolio manager for all QIG equity products. He is responsible for creating and maintaining the conceptual framework and quantitative models that drive all equity investments as well as for the research, development and implementation of quantitative investment strategies covering both stock selection and portfolio construction tools. Prior to joining QIG, Alex served as the Chief Quantitative Officer for the Portfolio Advisory group in Private Investment Management where he developed and implemented a global quantitative asset allocation model used to create asset allocation recommendation for high-net-worth individuals and institutions. Prior to joining the firm, Alex worked for Jemmco Capital, a multi-strategy quantitative hedge fund where he developed risk management and portfolio construction tools that were used for allocating funds across portfolio managers and investment strategies. Alex holds a BS (with honors) in Mechanical Engineering from Escola De Engenharia Maua, Sao Paulo and a quantitative-focused MBA from Columbia University Graduate School of Business.
Ping Zhou Portfolio Manager 2014 2017
전기 Ping Zhou, PhD, Senior Vice President, joined the firm in 2006. Ping is a member of the Quantitative Investment Group (QIG). His primary responsibility is quantitative equity research and portfolio construction for applications in equity hedge funds and long only products. Prior to joining the firm, Ping was an assistant professor of the Stan Ross Department of Accountancy, Zicklin School of Business, City University of New York, Baruch College, where he taught MBA and undergraduate Financial Accounting courses. Ping is the author of the book Trading on Corporate Earnings News: Profiting from Targeted, Short-Term Options Positions. He has published research in high quality academic journals such as Financial Analysts Journal, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy and Advances in Taxation. Ping earned a BS in Economics (Accounting) at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (China). He completed the coursework for his M. Econ (Finance) at Fudan University (China) and was awarded his PhD in Accounting from Georgia State University.
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