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Franklin Mutual Shares Fund Class R6 (FMSHX)

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28.08 -0.02    -0.07%
18/10 - 닫음. USD 통화
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 347.16M
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
발행자:  富蘭克林鄧普頓投資
자산등급:  주식
Franklin Mutual Shares R6 28.08 -0.02 -0.07%


이 페이지에서 Franklin Mutual Shares Fund Class R6에 대한 상세 프로필을_x0008_ 확인해 보세요. FMSHX의 주요 관리, 총 자산, 투자 전략 및 연락처 정보에 대해 알아보세요.

Allocation--85%+ Equity

총 자산




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주소 One Franklin Parkway, Building 970, 1st Floor
San Mateo,CA 94403
United States
전화 +1 650 3122000

최고 경영진

종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
Christian Correa Analyst 2020 now
전기 Christian Correa, CFA is a portfolio manager and director of research for Franklin Mutual Series. Mr. Correa has been a lead or co-lead portfolio manager of the Franklin Mutual Beacon Fund since 2007 and co-lead portfolio manager of the Franklin Mutual Global Discovery Fund since 2018. Prior to joining Franklin Mutual Series in 2003, he worked at Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. He has more than a decade of investment experience. He holds a B.A. from Claremont McKenna College, an M.A. (economics) from Northwestern Univ. and is a graduate of Harvard Law School.
Grace Hoefig Portfolio Manager 2020 now
전기 Grace Hoefig, Vice President and Portfolio Manager of Franklin Advisory Services. Ms. Hoefig joined Franklin Templeton in February 2008 as a research analyst. She has been in the investment industry for more than 20 years. Prior to joining Franklin Templeton, Ms. Hoefig was a managing director at AXIA Capital Management LLC., and has held senior analyst positions at Heine Securities Co., First Manhattan Co. and Neuberger & Berman.
Deborah A. Turner Portfolio Manager 2001 2022
전기 Ms. Turner is an assistant portfolio manager since 2001. She joined Franklin Templeton in 1996. Between 1993 and 1996, she was employed at Heine Securities Corporation.
Peter A. Langerman Chairman 2005 2021
전기 Langerman is Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Franklin Mutual. He rejoined Franklin Templeton Investments in 2005 and became Lead Portfolio Manager of the Mutual Shares Fund and Mutual Discovery Fund (2009). Langerman originally joined Franklin Templeton in 1996 and left in 2002 to serve as Director of New Jersey's Division of Investment, until 2004. Previously, he served as a Research Analyst with Heine Securities Corporation between 1986 and 1996.
F. David Segal Analyst 2005 2020
전기 David Segal is an analyst for Franklin Mutual Advisers, specializing in the analysis of the oil and gas, paper and forest products, and defense sectors. Prior to joining Mutual Advisers in 2002, Mr. Segal was an associate director in the structured finance group at MetLife. He has over 12 years of experience in the financial services industry. Mr. Segal received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Michigan and an MBA from New York University's Stern School of Business. He has a CFA designation, and is a member of the CFA Institute and the New York Society of Security Analysts.
David J. Winters Managing Member 2001 2005
전기 David Winters is the managing member of Wintergreen Advisers. Prior to forming Wintergreen Advisers in May 2005, he held various positions with Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC, including, president, chief executive officer and chief investment officer, and he was a research analyst for Heine Securities Corporation, the former investment manager for the Franklin Mutual Series Fund. Winters holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Timothy Rankin Portfolio Manager 2001 2004
전기 Rankin, CFA, has been a co-lead portfolio manager for the Franklin Mutual since January 2018. He is a Portfolio Manager at Franklin Templeton Investments. With 17 years of investment management experience, Rankin first started at Franklin in 1997 as a Research Analyst and became Assistant Portfolio Manager in 2001. In 2004, he left to serve as Managing Director at Blue Harbour Group, LLC before re-joining Franklin in 2010. Prior to his original employment with the Mutual Series Funds, Rankin was an Equity Analyst at Glickenhaus & Co.
Lawrence N. Sondike Senior Vice President 1984 2001
전기 Sondike is a senior vice president with Franklin Mutual Advisers, his employer since October 1996. Previously, he served as a research analyst with Heine Securities Corporation.
David E. Marcus Co-Founder, CEO, CIO 1998 2000
전기 David E. Marcus is the lead portfolio manager for the segment of the International Fund’s assets managed by Evermore Global Advisors, LLC (“Evermore”). Marcus is Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer and a portfolio manager at Evermore. He has managed the Evermore Global Value Fund since its inception in 2010. Marcus has over 30 years of experience in investment management, including management of registered investment companies. For a majority of this time, Marcus has focused on investing in European and other foreign companies. Marcus graduated from Northeastern University in 1988. From 1988 to 2000, Marcus held a series of positions at Mutual Series Fund, including junior research analyst, research analyst, co-portfolio manager and portfolio manager. From November 1998 to January 2000, Marcus was portfolio manager of the Mutual European Fund and co-portfolio manager of the Mutual Shares Fund and Mutual Discovery Fund. During this time, Marcus also served as Senior Vice President and Director of European Investments for Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC. After leaving Franklin Mutual in early 2000, Marcus founded Marcstone Capital Management, L.P., a long/short European-focused equity manager, largely funded by Jan Stenbeck, the Swedish financier. After Stenbeck’s sudden death in late 2002, Marcus closed Marcstone and returned capital to its investors. In early 2003, Marcus co-founded Stonebrook Partners, LLC, the Stenbeck family office, and became an adviser to the Stenbeck family, in which capacity he helped restructure a number of the public and private companies that the family controlled. In June 2004, Marcus founded and served as managing partner of MarCap Investors, L.P., the investment manager of a European small-cap special situations fund, which he actively managed through the end of 2008 and wound down in 2009. Over the past fifteen years, Marcus has served on the board of directors of numerous companies, including: Novestra AB, a Swedish publicly-traded private equity firm with holdings in the U.S. and Europe; Pergo AB, a Swedish publicly-traded flooring company for which Marcus was instrumental in helping negotiate the sale of the company to the German company Pfleiderer AG; Scribona AB, a Swedish publicly-traded distributor of office products with sales in excess of $1 billion, for which Marcus, as Chairman of the Board, led the complete restructuring of the company and the negotiation to sell its operating assets; Miltope, Inc., a U.S. publicly-traded and subsequently acquired maker of ruggedized electronics for the U.S. military; and Modern Times Group AB, a Swedish publicly-traded pan-European media conglomerate. Marcus has gained significant operating experience through his active involvement on the above mentioned boards, as well as his involvement with the restructuring of a number of companies controlled by the Stenbeck family. Evermore has been a sub-advisor to the International Fund since 2017.
Raymond Garea Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager 1991 1998
전기 Garea is senior vice president and portfolio manager with Franklin Advisers, his employer since November 1996. Previously, he served as a research analyst with Heine Securities Corporation.
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