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Real Estate Brazil Forum

주최자:  Markets Group
시작: 2014년 09월 22일 17:00
끝: 2014년 09월 24일 03:00
Copacabana Palace Hotel,
Rio de Janeiro,
가격: See site for details
전화: +1 646 688 2296
이메일: roy.salsinha@latinmarkets.org
Real Estate Brazil Forum 2014

The Real Estate Brazil Forum 2014 is a unique senior level executive forum pertaining to the interests of both International and Brazilian institutional investors in Latin America. 

Hosted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, this event reunites renowned LPs from across the globe including Pension Funds, Foundations, Endowments, Consultants, Fund-of-Funds and Family Offices, as well as real estate fund managers, investment managers, developers and bankers. 

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