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컨퍼런스 및 회의

4th Annual Pension Fund & Fixed Income Brazil Forum

주최자:  Markets Group
시작: 2016년 05월 05일 09:00
끝: 2016년 05월 05일 09:00
Alameda Santos, 2233 Cerqueira César,
São Paulo,
가격: Visit site
전화: +1 646-762-4994
이메일: Matheus.Schneider@marketsgroup.org
Brazil FF

The Pension Fund & Fixed Income Brazil Forum was designed in collaboration with leading Brazilian pension fund decision makers to support the Brazilian pension funds who are confronted with a political crisis and the threat of inflation at home and rapidly increasing liabilities tied to an increasingly robust but aging middle class.

The Pension Fund Brazil Forum provides a crucial opportunity for Brazilian pension funds, asset managers and industry experts to work together toward solutions in Brazilian pension fund portfolio construction, Brazilian pension fund asset allocation and investment strategy, as well as developing innovative strategies for liability and life cycle modeling for Brazilian pension funds.

More than 100 Brazilian pension CIOs, CEOs, portfolio managers, administrators and economists will meet with alternative and traditional asset management leaders, industry associations, global fund managers and key economic experts to discuss, debate and strategize a new asset allocation model for Brazilian pension funds, address key questions on Brazilian pension fund regulation, governance, talent retention and long-term investment strategy.
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