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컨퍼런스 및 회의

4th Annual Colombia Capital Projects & Infrastructure Summit 2015

주최자:  Markets Group
시작: 2015년 10월 05일 17:00
끝: 2015년 10월 07일 03:00
Avenida Carrera 9 #115-30,
Local Net
가격: See Website
전화: +1 646-206-8679
이메일: daniel.mata@marketsgroup.org

The 4th Annual Colombia Capital Projects & Infrastructure Summit 2015 is the premier gathering of global public and private infrastructure developers and financers in Colombia, brought to you by Markets Group. 

Our high-impact platform, focusing on local projects and operational and financial challenges unique to the Colombian infrastructure market, will attract 350 delegates from top-tier organizations in energy, transport, mining, telecom and social infrastructure.

With over 60 C-level executive speakers, Colombia CP&I delivers direct access to key top-level decision makers in public and private sector infrastructure organizations. 

Register Now!

For more information, please contact:
Daniel Mata
Head of Infrastructure Projects Group
+1 646-206-8679
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