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컨퍼런스 및 회의

2nd Mexico Energy Summit

주최자:  Markets Group
시작: 2015년 09월 10일 17:00
끝: 2015년 09월 12일 03:00
Av. Paseo de la Reforma 500 Cuauhtémoc, Juarez,
Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal‎,
가격: See website
전화: +1 212 561 8926
이메일: ken.bauco@marketsgroup.org


This is the 2nd Energy Summit in a series of high-level Energy Summits Markets Group will host in Peru, Colombia, Mexico and Panama in 2015. The Summit will feature “New Energy Projects in Mexico: Planning, Investment, Operations, Technology, Mining and Construction”
As energy demand in Mexico continues to grow, local energy authorities have rolled out a significant amount of new concessions in recent months, which have attracted investor interest locally and abroad.

Local and international firms are looking to better understand the dynamic and opportunities available in the market and the Mexico Energy Summit will expose these opportunities to the market over the course of 2 days of compelling content and networking.

Uniting over +300 local and international energy companies, investors, government officials and world-class service providers, the Mexico Energy Summit will feature over 60 presenters who will present on new investment and development opportunities in Mexico. 

Register Now!

For further information please contact: 
Name: Ken Bauco
Phone: +1 212 561 8926 
Email: ken.bauco@marketsgroup.org

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