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컨퍼런스 및 회의

2nd Annual Latin America Fixed Income Investors Forum

주최자:  Markets Group
시작: 2016년 04월 26일 09:00
끝: 2016년 04월 26일 09:00
Calle 50 con 53, Urb. Marbella,
Panama City,
가격: Visit site
전화: +1 646 216-9489
이메일: Gerlim.Delacruz@marketsgroup.org

The Latin America Fixed Income Investors Forum is a 250 delegate pan-regional meeting focused on and designed alongside leading Fixed Income investors on Latin America including Central Banks, Pension Funds and Sovereign Reserves.  The one day meeting will demystify the low yield environment and establish best practices in selection of external asset managers.

The forum provides direct and unique access to an increasingly sophisticated allocation and regulation community eager to gain education from external and local experts.

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