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⭐ 2025년 1월 최신 AI 추천 주식을 확인하고 여러분의 포트폴리오에 강력한 활기를 더하세요!
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Smile Expo Smile Expo

Smile-Expo is an international company, organizer of large business events. Smile-Expo keeps its finger on the pulse of global innovations, analyzes markets, predicts promising drives, shares information with friends and associates, and launches projects throughout new segments, which have no equivalents in Russia, or on the whole CIS territory.

We can safely say that Smile-Expo is a flagship of innovation in the field of exhibition and conference service. The company was the first to draw attention to such promising, but not yet sufficiently developed in the CIS fields as affiliate marketing, robotics, 3D technology, cryptocurrency, wearable devices and augmented reality, Internet of Things, mHealth, "Connected car" and many more.

Smile-Expo has started its way with an interest in advanced developments in various sectors of the economy and desire to create projects that allow companies to keep up with the times. The result is 12 years of successful work in the market that inspire professionals of Smile-Expo for an organization of large-scale exhibitions, conferences, congresses, forums, workshops, and webinars.

The company focuses areas such as:

  • 3D printing and scanning;
  • Augmented and virtual reality;
  • Robotics and advanced technologies;
  • Mobile applications;
  • Cryptocurrency;
  • Affiliate Programs and Marketing;
  • Gaming industry and eSports;
  • Business in social media, organization of communications;
  • Gambling and entertainment industry;
  • E-cig industry;
  • Innovative technology for growing and cooking;
  • Innovations in space etc.

After successful projects in different countries, we can say for sure that our company globally affects the development of the market (in particular industry), helping it to dynamically develop, rapidly implement technology, apply and find ideas, investors, and partners.

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