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⭐ 2025년 1월 최신 AI 추천 주식을 확인하고 여러분의 포트폴리오에 강력한 활기를 더하세요!
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Acuity Knowledge Partners Acuity Knowledge Partners

Acuity Knowledge Partners (Acuity), formerly part of Moody’s Corporation, is a leading provider of bespoke research, analytics, staffing and technology solutions to the financial services sector.

Headquartered in London, Acuity Knowledge Partners has nearly two decades of experience in servicing over 350 clients by deploying its 3,000+ specialist workforce of analysts and delivery experts across its global delivery network. We provide our clients with unique assistance to innovate, implement transformation programmes, increase operational efficiency, and manage costs and improve their top lines. These services are supported by our proprietary suite of Business Excellence and Automation Tools (BEAT) that offer domain-specific contextual technology. Acuity Knowledge Partners is backed by Equistone Partners Europe, a leading private equity organisation that backs specialist growth businesses and management teams.

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