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JPMorgan U.S. Value Fund Class I (0P00002W0G)

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85.330 +0.150    +0.18%
26/09 - 지연 데이터. USD 통화 ( 면책조항 )
  • 모닝스타 평가:
  • 총 자산: 2.64B
종류:  펀드
시장:  미국
자산등급:  주식
JPMorgan Growth And Income Fund Class I 85.330 +0.150 +0.18%

0P00002W0G 개요

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Large Value

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1996년 01월 25일


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종목명 헤드라인 재직 시작연도 기간
David Silberman Managing Director 2019 now
전기 Dave Silberman, managing director, is a portfolio manager on the JPMorgan Equity Income and the JPMorgan Growth & Income Funds within the U.S. Equity Group. An employee since 1989, David assumed his current role in 2019. Prior to his current role, David was the Head of the Equity Investment Director and Corporate Governance teams globally and the lead U.S. Equity Investment Director since 2008. Previously, he was a portfolio manager in the U.S. Equity Group where he managed equity portfolios for private clients, endowments and foundations. He has also worked in the Emerging Markets Derivatives Group and attended the J.P. Morgan training program. David holds a B.A. in economics and political science from the State University of New York at Binghamton and an M.B.A. from the Stern School of Business at New York University.
Andrew Brandon - 2019 now
전기 Andrew Brandon, managing director, is a portfolio manager in the U.S. Equity Group. An employee since 2000, Andrew joined the investment team in 2012 as an investment analyst on the JPMorgan Equity Income and Growth and Income Funds. Prior to joining the team Andrew was a member of our US equity research team covering the financial industry. Andrew has also worked in the JPMorgan Private Bank supporting portfolio managers of both the U.S. large cap core equity product, and the U.S. large cap value product. Andrew obtained a B.A. in economics from the University of Virginia, and an M.B.A. from the University of Florida. He is a CFA charterholder."
Clare A. Hart Portfolio Manager 2004 2024
전기 Clare Hart, managing director, is a portfolio manager in JPMorgan’s U.S. Equity Group. An employee since 1999, Clare is the lead portfolio manager of the JPMorgan Equity Income Strategy and the JPMorgan Growth & Income Strategy. Prior to joining the team, Clare was with Salomon Smith Barney’s equity research division as a research associate covering Real Estate Investment Trusts. Ms. Hart began her career at Arthur Andersen, working as a public accountant.
Jonathan K.L. Simon Managing Director 2002 2019
전기 Jonathan K.L. Simon, managing director, is a portfolio manager in the U.S. Equity Group. An employee since 1980, and a member of U.S. Equity Value Group. In addition, he joined the firm as an analyst in the London office, transferred to New York in 1983 and became a portfolio manager in 1987. Jonathan has held numerous key positions in the firm, including president of Robert Fleming's U.S. asset management.
Michael L. Foss Partner 2002 2005
전기 Michael L. Foss, CFA, has many years of investment management experience and is a Partner at Brown. Mr. Foss was a portfolio manager with Alex. Brown Investment Management for over 5 years and is continuing in the same capacity as a Partner at Brown following the combination of the two firms in July 2008. Mr. Foss is also responsible for managing separate accounts managed by the Adviser. Mr. Foss is also co-manager of the Brown Advisory Flexible Equity Fund and the Brown Advisory Value Equity Fund. Prior to his tenure at Alex. Brown Investment Management, Mr. Foss worked as an analyst and then as a portfolio manager at J.P. Morgan for 8 years focusing on large cap value equities. Mr. Foss began his career at Gabelli & Co. as an analyst. He received a B.A. from Virginia Tech in 1983 and an M.B.A. from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania in 1993.
Robert Heintz Portfolio Manager 1999 2002
전기 Heintz joined Chase Asset Management in 1986. Previously, he spent three years as a portfolio manager with Texas Commerce Bank and four years as a portfolio manager with The Bank of New York. Heintz holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Steve O'Keefe Vice President, Portfolio Manager 1999 2002
전기 O'Keefe is a vice president and portfolio manager with Chase Asset Management, his employer since 1989. Prior to joining the firm, he served as a quantitative analyst for the investment division of American General from 1987 to 1989. From 1981 to 1987, he worked as a statistical programmer analyst with the software development division of the University of Texas Medical School in Houston, and from 1979 to 1981 as a statistical programmer analyst with the psychometric laboratory.
Diane L. Sobin Senior Equity Portfolio Manager, Managing Director 1997 1999
전기 Ms. Sobin is a Managing Director and member of Tradition’s Investment Committee. As a portfolio manager, she leads the Environmental, Social, Governance and Female Focus strategies for the firm. Ms. Sobin has over three decades of investment management experience including seventeen years with Columbia Threadneedle Investments (a division of Ameriprise Financial) in both New York and London, where she was Senior Portfolio Manager, Executive Director and head of U.S. Equities. She was recognized as one of the top 100 Women in Finance in Europe in 2014 by European Financial News. Ms. Sobin has lead managed core equity, mid and small cap equities and dividend growth funds at Columbia Threadneedle, Zurich Scudder, JP Morgan (formerly Chase Manhattan) and Oppenheimer Funds. She holds a Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the CFA Society of New York. Ms. Sobin graduated from Pace University with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance.
Gregory S. Adams Senior Vice President 1995 1999
전기 Gregory Adams, CFA, is Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager of the Alger Dynamic Opportunities strategy, the Alger Responsible Investing Fund, the Alger Growth and Income strategy, and Director of Quantitative & Risk Management. Mr. Adams joined Alger in 2006, he became a Senior Vice President and the Director of Quantitative & Risk Management in 2006, and a portfolio manager in 2012. From 2006 through 2012, Mr. Adams was a Senior Analyst. Previously, he was Director of Quantitative Research at Lord Abbett & Co. and was responsible for portfolio construction simulation and quantitative stock selection. Over the course of his career, Mr. Adams was Managing Director and Portfolio Manager at Deutsche Asset Management and The Chase Manhattan Bank. At Deutsche, where he managed over $10 billion in assets, he was the lead Portfolio Manager for the U.S. Large Cap Core Funds, including Scudder’s flagship Growth & Income Fund. Mr. Adams began his tenure at Chase in 1987 as an equity analyst and was promoted to Co‐Manager of the Chase Vista Balanced Fund and the Chase Vista Growth & Income Fund, managing over $2 billion during his tenure. In 1994, Mr. Adams was named Manager of the Chase Vista Large Cap Equity Fund. Mr. Adams earned a B.A. in American History from the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Arts & Sciences and a B.S. in Economics and Finance from The Wharton School. Greg is a CFA charterholder and a member of the CFA Institute.
David Klassen Portfolio Manager 1995 1999
전기 Klassen is portfolio with Chase Asset Management, his employer since 1992. Previously, he spent twelve years with Dean Witter Reynolds, where he served as a portfolio manager. Klassen holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
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